a blog I would like to read
A friend of mine is starting a blog, and I am really looking forward to reading the posts. I have discovered she can take a good photograph, which will add to the joy of reading a well thought out post. But it seems it was not an easy decision. She was worried about who might read her blog and what they might think. I can sympathise. This blog is my second blog. The concept of my first blog was to describe the life of a freelance designer in real time. It is a job that many people aspire to and envy. They have a notion of what it would be like, and they didn't like to read anything that didn't fit into their vision. All dreams have a sinister side – a twisted reality is very unpredictable, and to my mind, this can be unsettling or even scary. I didn't want to write the health magazine style of prose that promised success if you followed some basic rules and provide case studies to prove it. But my intention was not to dishearten or to elicit sympathy either – I am a fortunate person. Events that threaten or upset you just take more of your conscious energy and time. I want this second blog to redress the balance. I better try harder then, especially as there is now yet another blog I would rather read than my own!