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Website home page

I have updated my website. I think I may have become carried away with the new features that Wix offers. All I wanted to do was create a links page like the one in Nigella Lawson's Instagram bio but, at the moment, I can't work out how to do it.

I think I have gone over the top with my Home page. I thought I would clarify what I do and why, but part of me still wonders who will actually care – and it lacks humility. Humility was a prized quality when I was younger, and I still try and teach it to my daughter. But posting on Instagram and my involvement in social media has robbed me of that quality. The fact is, these days, I need "followers" if I want to continue to teach workshops. Increasingly, I find clients looking at my social media presence, and some people say they are confused by my posts: that I post a bit of everything, except for my family life, and there doesn't appear to be a theme. But I do a bit of everything – don't all freelancers – and apparently there should be more pictures of me and my family.

The first question is: when do I encourage my daughter to start social media accounts so that when she is ready, she will have a better chance of getting the job she wants. Many of my daughter's friends already dismiss school because they are going to be famous on social media.

The second question is: with the concern about the population's mental health why are we saying you are only good enough if you are liked in certain specified communities.

It isn't as if you can tell why someone is following another. And, perhaps that is why I am supposed to edit the range of topics I post on. I need a big knitting or crochet project to think this all out.

I have kept a copy of my old Home page, and I may reinstate it before I even post this blog post. I was told I should remove my free downloads. They are still there, they are just a little less obvious, click designs and follow the links.

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